Album Covers
-Album covers are used as a a marketing tool in order to represent the artist & their music, if the cover does not relate to the artist or their music then it has not been effective as a result, the creation of the cover is a very important task.
-As more people download albums we may now only be seeing artwork on screens as a result, people may not appreciate it as much as they previously would have therefore suggesting, that album covers may become less important as a marketing tool for artists.
Conventions of album covers
- Album covers all have an image on the front showing either the artist iconography or symbolism of a music video. The artist name and album title is often on the cover
- Dance albums often show bright colours, usually one colour for background and block lettering, it is also relatively simple as the front and back covers are not crowded with images and text for example. Calvin Harris, Ready for the Weekend.
-Posters have main purposes are to promote artists and create a buzz about there music or concerts they are seen everywhere including train and underground stations, magazines and billboards.
-There can be two different types of posters,
- Album Promotion Poster- used to promote the album
- Concert Poster- promoting the concert of the artist, often uses album cover
-Posters often consider the changes in technology more, as they are often featured on-line as well as being seen in magazines. In contrast, as technologies have been developed this has allowed people to listen to music digitally.
Conventions of Posters
-Most posters use the artists album covers this allows the audience to make a connection between the artist as it becomes apart of there iconography
-Quotes and reviews are often put on the posters from magazines or other well known artists, this will help appeal the product to the target market
- Record label and websites are also featured
-And tour dates depending on the type of promotional poster it is